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Gesellschaft für Technische Thermochemie und -physik mbH (GTT)

GTT-Technologies (GTT) was founded in 1983 as a spin-off of the Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Hüttenkunde und Metallurgie der Kernbrennstoffe (Chair for Theoretical Metallurgy and Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuels) at RWTH Aachen University (RWTH). Since then, GTT has been working in the field of computational thermochemistry. The main GTT product is the thermodynamic software package FactSageTM and its associated databases, which are jointly developed and maintained together with ThermFact/CRCT (Montreal, Canada). Today, there are standard databases available for all main classes of inorganic materials (e.g., steels, oxides, salts) as well as many specialized databases (e.g., nuclear materials).

The GTT database development team led by Managing Director Dr Moritz to Baben consists of 5 scientists. In Scorpion, they use Materials Informatics to identify candidate coating materials for SiC/SiC composite fuel claddings thus developing Calphad databases for ternary rare-earth (RE)-silicate/aluminate systems. Moreover, they develop a CALPHAD model describing the SiO2/H2O system at high temperatures and pressures to assess phase stability for SiC/SiC composite fuel claddings under both nominal and loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions.

Gesellschaft für Technische Thermochemie und -physik mbH (GTT)
GTT-Technologies - Herzogenrath, Germany